Enter Posthuman explodes out of its ambiguous shell with the brimming new metal of its first single. The start-stop vehemence of the 'The Protector', during the rapped verse clues us in on just how much emphasis the band's rhythm section (bassist Kevin Kong and skin-basher Winder Singh) places on tightness.
The album's cover theme renders itself on a vibe most akin to Chinese opera and Japanese kabuki culture. Accordingly, there's a whole song on the record dedicated in honor of such Eastern eccentricities, and it's aptly title, 'Asian Rock Anthem', but 'Never Ending Tunnel' is the true spine-tingling gem, and chances upon that rare second of sparkling, hands-to-the-sky Love Me Butch splendor.
Track listing:
- The Protector
- Never Ending Tunnel
- Public Enemy
- It's Over in Space
- Just Started
- Asian Rock Anthem
- 1000 Words
- Six
- Not The One
- Of All Our Love & Hate
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